LuminOus is a SAFE space for all to show up exactly as they are in every moment. This is where we can all feel a sense of connection, balance, inner peace, find encouragement to heal and to do so without fear or shame. This journey asks us to show up with self compassion, forgiveness and love and as we practice this for ourselves, it is also asked that we do the same for all others. We are all in this together.
Please use common sense and show respect for others. We are all trying our best and in order to continue practicing our healing outside of sessions, we must recognize this. This forum will be monitored and no disrespect, judgements or harsh words towards others (and preferably no harsh words towards self either) will be tolerated. Any such behaviour will have zero-tolerance and you will immediately be removed from the forum.
It is also asked, simply to stray from overwhelm and non-relevancy, that:
Posts are kept relevant to the forum topic
No spamming
Thank you for your kindness and understanding!